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David Bauder

Ellen DeGeneres to host Oscars for second time

NEW YORK – Comic and daytime television host Ellen DeGeneres was picked to host the Academy Awards for the second time. Show producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron announced DeGener...

Tony Soprano more than a memorable TV character

NEW YORK – James Gandolfini’s portrayal of Tony Soprano represented more than just a memorable TV character. He changed the medium, making fellow antiheroes like Walter White and Dexter Morg...

Report shows persistence of violence on television

NEW YORK – Violence, gore and gunplay were staples on prime-time television even in the most sensitive period directly after the Newtown school shooting. A study of 392 prime...

Boston bombings manhunt draws about 42M viewers

NEW YORK – Nearly 42 million people watched the last hour of Friday’s manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspect on television. That was the Nielsen company’s estimate Monday...

More than 40 million watch end of Boston manhunt

NEW YORK – Nearly 42 million people watched the last hour of Friday’s manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombing suspect on television. That was the Nielsen company’s estimate Monday...